FAQ's About Our Additional Domain

    This article covers frequently asked questions relating to the announcement of our new additional domain.


    Q: Why are you adding the owndata.com domain?

    A: We continually seek ways to enhance our service and provide our users with the best experience possible. Adding the new domain is a part of our efforts to upgrade our infrastructure to better serve your needs. The new domain will help optimize various functionalities and improve our system's overall reliability. This initiative is one of the many steps we are taking to ensure that we offer all our customers a seamless and secure experience. We appreciate your cooperation as we make these improvements.


    Q: What users will get the test emails, and can users opt out?

    A: Test emails will be sent by our marketing team. Email content will include information about the test and offer an unsubscribe link should users want to opt out of further tests.


    Q: Do we need OwnBackup’s SMTP server address to add the new domain to the allow list? 

    A: No, SMTP will remain the same as is for Ownbackup.com Our IP addresses will also remain the same, with the same ports, source, and destination IP addresses. The addition to the allow list is based on the domain only. 


    Q: For the new domains allow list ‘ownbackup.com’ and ‘owndata.com’, which ports, source and destination are to be used?

    A: To access the domain please enable access to both ports HTTP/80 and HTTPS/443. When allow listing the new domain, you can list it as owndata.com* to encompass the many sources and destinations that are used with the domain.


    Q: As a current customer who uses single sign on (SSO), will I need to make any changes to avoid a disruption in service with the new brand announcement?

    A: SSO customers prior to October 2nd will continue to use SSO with its current configurations and experience continuity in accessing our products and services. We will reach out in 2024 to update SSO configurations as part of a separate plan.

    New customers who elect to use SSO that contract with us on or after October 2nd will use the latest SSO configuration details and domain.


    Q: As a current customer who uses Own APIs, will I need to make any changes to my scripts/integrations to avoid disruption?

    A: If you are using the new API token authentication method, you must adjust your scripts with the new domain as described here.

    If you are still using the legacy authentication method (based on username and password), you must update to the new API authentication method. Details are available here.

    Note: The old domain and the legacy API authentication method will still be supported until April 15, 2024. After this date, any scripts/integrations using this method and/or the old domain will no longer work.




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