Adding a Widget in Lightning & Classic

      Adding the Widget to page layout in Salesforce Lightning:

      1.  At the top-left of the page, click the menu icon, and filter by entering the object you wish to add the widget to.

      2. Open the object detail page.

      3. At the top-right of the page, click the Settings icon to open the drop-down menu, and select Edit Page. 

      1. Click the middle component to see the different tabs on the right.

      1. Click Add Tab to add a new tab for the Archive.

      1. Select the custom type and create a custom label for the tab (ie Archive).

      1. Click the new Archive tab to configure it.

      1. On the left menu, drag the Visualforce Component onto the newly created tab.
      2. Select the appropriate Visualforce page (i.e. OwnBackup_ArchiveTableViewForAccountVF for account layout).

      1. Add a custom Label (i.e. Archive Records).
      2. Adjust the Height to be between 400-600px.
      3. Save and activate the page layout to make it visible to users.
      A default object can be configured when opening the Archive Widget. Displaying Archived Data. ​​

      Adding the Widget to page layout in Salesforce Classic:

      1. Open the object layout page in the setup and click edit.
      2. Create a new section in the object layout.
      3. Select the Visualforce page from the components option. 

      1. Drag the OwnBackup page to the new section.

      1. Click the Visualforce page properties button and set the ‘Height’ to 400 and enable the ‘Show scrollbars’ option.

      1. Save the page layout.
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