Creating Multiple Region Accounts and Inviting Users

    The authentication mechanism is centralized across all regions, keeping the credentials of each user in one place.

    When signing up, we can differentiate whether you are a first time user or have additional regions registered to your email.

    The first person to create a region in an account becomes the master admin. Once you have created your first region you can add additional regions to your account. 

    NOTE: Maintain the same master admin across all regions. Master admin users can make security changes that are region-wide, therefore it is recommended to limit the master admin to a single user across all regions.

    Adding Additional Regions

    To add additional regions to your primary region, sign up again for another region using the sign up screen. Make sure you use the same email as the first region Master Admin account. When we receive the request, we will recognize you as a current user and will add the new region to your account. We will send you a confirmation email containing a link to sign in to the new region. You must use the same credentials to sign in.

    Adding Users to a Multi Region Account

    Any user with Master Admin or Admin Rights can also add users to the region. To make this user a multiple region user, you need to invite them separately in each region as required. Add the user to their initial region. Once they have joined their initial region and set their sign in credentials, you can add the user to any additional regions where they require access. You must use the same original email in all regions. Once you add the user with the same email to their additional region, they will be recognized as a multi-region user and will be sent an email containing a link allowing the user to sign in to the new additional region with their same credentials.



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