Knowledge Base

    This article assists users in preparing their ServiceNow Personal Developer Instance (PDI), before starting to work with Own Accelerate. The article provides the procedure to use in order to clone ServiceNow table columns from Vendor to PDI....
    This article describes how Own's Anonymize application works in a Salesforce data environment....
    This technical note describes the Seeding application's current scope and limitations of seeding Salesforce knowledge articles in the __kav object....
    Seeding, Predefined Nodes Templates, nCino, Salesforce...
    Seeding, Predefined Nodes Templates, FSL, Salesforce...
    Seeding, Predefined Nodes Templates, CPQ, Salesforce...
    Use the anonymize template's Custom... replacement value option to define and control the formula for generating replacement values. This option is available for use with specific anonymize template object field types....
    This article instructs about how to get a Service ID-Backup ID pair to use as the Seeding Source in a seeding template....
    The Salesforce authenticated user permissions that are required for the Seeding Application....
    Ensure that you have set up a ​Salesforce (backup) service for your production data environment and your sandbox data environment. Determine the necessary tool to use, according to the following criteria:...